Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi Cut-Off Mark [UPDATED]

Federal University of Technology, Ikot Abasi cut-off mark has just been concluded by the management which is now online for the students who have the zeal to study in the school.

The management concluded the discussion of the cut-off mark of Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi in line with the JAMB order of all Universities average marks.

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What I mean in essence here is that the JAMB wasn’t the one who chooses the cut-off mark for the tertiary institution but rather gives a direct average mark of which all institutions must follow and abide by the rules not to make it above or below what the JAMB order.

The Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi cut off mark is not high, very medium compare to most Nigerian institutions. And for one to be able to secure admission to the school, students or applicants must be able to score above or equal cut off mark of FUTIA.

FUTIA cut-off mark is a considerable one that favors students who are less brilliant to get admission into the institute.

It considers some factors before fixing the actual cut-off mark for students, which is the average of people who scored, and failed JAMB in the particular year.

If the JAMB reviews and solute the average of people who score or failed JAMB of the year, it would be a directive for FUTIA cut-off mark consideration. Then the institution would consider it too and finally release their cut-off mark publicly.

Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi Cut-Off Mark

The Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi cut-off mark has been confirmed by the officials of the institute. It Is confirmed as 140.

But really, some people might still scale through the cut-off mark of the institution and still not be able to gain admission. If that happens, the problem is no longer of the cut-off mark only rather other issues.

InfoSchool would like to explain the factors and issues which make you not get admission into the particular tertiary institution. The well-researched factors are listed below;

1. Course

2. Indigene

Let’s first start with the main one which is COURSE. Most times some students don’t get admitted into their institute of choice because of the course they selected while filling the Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi Post UTME Form.

If you scored a minimum of 140 as your JAMB result that means you are qualified for the institution’s reality cut-off mark. While there are some courses which require many marks for you to be able to get admitted.

You must score high results so as to get some courses because they are extra competitive i.e courses like Computer Science.

That’s why it is advisably to score high if you know that truly you are applying for over-applied courses.

You may understand if a course is overapplied by examining what people go for in that particular institution. You can get their contact support or visit the school for more confirmation.

While the number two which is INDIGENE. Your origin matters also, although some have never heard of this before. If for instance, you applied from any state, the institution would then check which state are you from, if the state’s slot is full or if there are still others. If yes there are still, you will get it.

Even if it is filled, you may still get it if you beat others who filled the slot with your jamb result. If you scored 180 which is automatically above 140, you can pull down someone with your less mark and get admitted while he would leave among the applicants’ slot.

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