University of Maiduguri Requirement For Applying [UPDATED]

University of Maiduguri Requirement For Applying [UPDATED]

As we all know, every school around the world has its specification of requirements before one can apply for it, so University of Maiduguri has its prerequisites too. University of Maiduguri has released its latest requirements for all the applicants who wish to apply for the institution. University of Maiduguri requirements are pretty straightforward, and they … Read more

Accredited Courses Offered At University of Maiduguri [UPDATED]

Accredited Courses Offered At University of Maiduguri [UPDATED]

University of Maiduguri courses offered have been accredited by the National Universities Commission, NUC which gave them an order to legally carry out the lecturing of those particular courses. Since its establishment, University of Maiduguri has been carrying out different types of courses and programs to eligible students who were admitted into the tertiary institution. … Read more

UNIMAID Hostel Accommodation Fee 2024/2025 | How To Apply

How much is UNIMAID Hostel Accommodation Fee How To Apply

Even with the current economic situation across the country, University of Maiduguri, UNIMAID hostel accommodation remains one of the most affordable school hostels in the country. The hostel is designed for both students from the state (indigenes) and those from other states (non-indigenes). The UNIMAID hostel is set up in such a way that it … Read more