UNIMAID Hostel Accommodation Fee 2024/2025 | How To Apply

Even with the current economic situation across the country, University of Maiduguri, UNIMAID hostel accommodation remains one of the most affordable school hostels in the country.

The hostel is designed for both students from the state (indigenes) and those from other states (non-indigenes).

The UNIMAID hostel is set up in such a way that it can accommodate a large number of students, even though some students might still lose out if the proper process is not followed well.

Both new and returning students, who have been in the school already, have the chance to apply and get accommodated in the school hostel.

In most Nigerian universities, 300-level students have less chance of getting hostel accommodation than students at other levels. This is because they are regarded as I.T. (Industrial Training) and T.P. (Teaching Practice) students at this particular level.

They exclusively go for their various course training to gain field experience and become more competent before their graduation stage.

Most times, they choose their organization or facility of choice and submit it to their respective assigned supervisors, who will then review it and make the final decision.

UNIMAID hostel accommodation gives students more opportunities to study and explore their various courses of study, especially those who are truly ready to study.

While students are allowed to live on campus, this enables them to study hard without the common interruptions that might occur whenever they are at home.

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While at the UNIMAID hostel, parents must be careful about their children’s activities, as there are different kinds of influences that a child might regard as friends. Sometimes, friends can influence others either in good or bad ways.

UNIMAID Hostel Accommodation Fee

The current UNIMAID hostel fee is not expensive and should be affordable for at least the lower-income students. It is even cheaper compared to some other universities across the country, and the reason behind this is because UNIMAID is federally owned.

Typically, higher institutions that are state-owned or privately owned tend to be more expensive than the federally owned ones.

The fee should not be the primary consideration; rather, the quality, reputation, and competency of education should be prioritized.

The UNIMAID hostel fee is based on the following categories;

  • Aisha Hall (F) – N15,135
  • Murtala Muhammad Hall (F) – N15,135
  • Sardauna Hall (M) – N15,135
  • Tafawa Balewa Hall – N15,135
  • Ibrahim Imam Hall (M) – N15,135
  • Ado Bayero Hall (M) – N15,135
  • New Male A Hall (M) – N22,635
  • New Male B Hall (M) – N22,635
  • Aisha Buhari Hall (F) – N22,635

This fee may change over time, depending on the school management’s decisions.

How To Apply For UNIMAID Hostel Accommodation

Applying for University of Maiduguri’s hostel accommodation is easy and straightforward.

But before you proceed, especially as a fresh student, you must complete the main school registration processes, starting from screening, school fee payment, and others. After completing all these, you can then apply for UNIMAID hostel accommodation.

To apply for UNIMAID hostel accommodation, one must have completed all screening, registration, and other necessary processes. You cannot just apply for a hostel without concluding all due processes.

Here are the steps to apply for UNIMAID hostel accommodation:

  1. Load the UNIMAID portal on your device through a browser.
    2. Enter your student details and hit the login button.
    3. Once you are logged in, scroll down and click on the MENU options.
    4. Click on the HOSTEL option.
    5. After it loads, proceed to fill in all the required details.
    6. Proceed to make your hostel payment online.
    7. Save and print out the receipt confirmation of your payment, which is located on the hostel page.

The payment confirmation will be used for clearance, which will enable you to obtain the key from the institution’s Student Dean.

UNIMAID hostel accommodation is sometimes competitive due to the high number of student demands annually, so it’s important to always stay updated regarding the day that the hostel will be opened for applicants.

Once University of Maiduguri’s hostel portal is open, try your best to book a space and make your payment on time so that you won’t lose out.

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