How To Check Jamb Caps, Rejected Or Accept Admission And O’level Uploading Issue

How to Check Jamb Caps 2021

The Joint Admission Matriculation Board, JAMB, has finally worked out their official site where some certain students can check, accept, or reject the admission offered to them.

The certain students include both Direct Entries (DE) and Fresh Jamb examiners. As I said earlier, the JAMB authorities have activated it official site for Nigerian student to check their admission status (how to check jamb caps 2021).

As our Nigerian tertiary institutions do behave, they mostly delayed releasing their applicant admission list on time. And some students are always eager to view their admission status, to know whether they are offered admission or not, in order quickly look for something alternative and do before the time is too late.

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That is why the Joint Admission Matriculation Board, JAMB workout their website so that the Nigerian students can check their status in time (how to check jamb caps). The JAMB authority is always trying it best so as to make it easy for Nigeria students to carry out all education stuff without any error or delay.

How to check your Admission Status on JAMB site

As we all know, some Nigerian students don’t have candidate account with the JAMB. These sets of students include students that wrote JAMB from 2016 down-ward.

These kinds of students must visit the CBT center near them and register for JAMB in order to get a candidate account. While those candidates that have their account, you are highly welcome because this article would lead you on how to check your admission status, accept or reject through JAMB site (how to check jamb caps 2021).

The following are steps that would guide you on how to check your Jamb Admission Status easily without making a kind of silly error;

• Visit the JAMB site which is also known as Efacility site through ( or click here.

• It will load before it display, scroll down small and input all the requires details for the login process. Incase if you are confuse, the details are your registration info (Gmail/Phone NO. and passwordusedhen click on LOGIN button in order to login into your candidate account dashboard

• After you login, scroll down again by your right-hand side and click on (Check Admission Status)

• Choose the year you wrote your exam, enter your Jamb Reg. NO as required in the box below

• Lastly, click on the admission button so as to see your admission status through your JAMB account. Congratulation, InfoSchool wish you a blissful way of starting (how to check jamb caps 2021).

NOTE: Don’t panic if you are not offered admission, JAMB sometimes may also delayed to offer you admission. So we urge you to keep checking till you succeeded (how to check jamb caps 2021).

How to check jamb caps 2021

How to Accept Or Reject Jamb Admission

After all, there are still some things you have to do despite you been offered admission. And the next thing for you to do is to decide whether to accept the admission or not.

Below are the processes for a Candidate to Accept or Reject the Admission offer to him/her;

• Re-visit your candidate account dashboard through JAMB site

• After you login and follow the procedures of checking the admission status, just as you did before.

• Scroll down by the middle of phone or laptop screen

• ACCEPT or REJECT the admission offered to you through (how to check jamb caps 2021)

• Then proceed to print your admission letter, if possible print it at that time.

And for those who are not offered admission, don’t ever panic, as I said earlier. All you have to do is follow the procedures below in case maybe you have not done the necessary thing for you to get admission by the JAMB Caps.

NOT YET ADMITTED; there is something you may not have done which may cause that. Please read the following if there is something you have not done or done it wrongly (how to check jamb caps).

How to upload O’level result on Jamb Portal

• SSCE (O’level) Uploading: Some candidates don’t know or may have forgotten to upload their Senior Secondary Examination Certificate Examination, SSCE Result on their Jamb account. If you have not done so, quickly head to any trusted CBT Center near you and do it immediately without wasting of time.

If you have done it before and want to verify whether it is done well or (CBT Center) made mistakes while doing it for you. Simply visit and login into your Jamb account again, access your CAPS and finally click on “O’level” to know whether the ICT Center did it for you well.

Sometimes, the workers of the ICT Center do make mistakes while inputting your O’level for you. So you to have confirmed the subjects in your SSCE and the Jamb Caps carefully to know whether they are inputted well or not.

• Course Recommendation: Concerning the recent Jamb Caps policy, they have given Nigerian tertiary institutions the right to recommend or even change your chosen course by themself. This usually happens in a case whereby if your Jamb And SSCE (O’level) combination doesn’t match or meet their criteria, so they would transfer you to another suitable variety of your course.

And the only way for candidates to know this is by locating it on “Transfer Approval,” it will show up there if they have done that (how to check jamb caps 2021).

• Awaiting SSCE (O’level Reeult): Some candidates whose result is not yet released during the time they applied for the admission and possibly the CBT Center use “Awaiting O’level Result” for them. This will notify Jamb Caps that your SSCE result is not yet released, probably due to some issue, and it will be released in a few days.

So if you are among them, go to any ICT center to upload the O’level result immediately when you checked your result so that they will upload it for you (how to check jamb caps 2021).

If your O’level Center (where you wrote your exam) has not balanced the SSCE Management their remaining money, this usually occurs. Like what happened this year 2021, some State Government delayed to pay NECO balance for students who wrote exam it in a government school. And the NECO would not release the exam until each particular state government paid the due amount to NECO before releasing the students exam result.

That is why it is advisably for any candidate to register and write his/ her O’level Exam in any competent school that their students usually pass.

Some people called that type of schools as Miracle Center, what ever they called it dont let that border you. Remember, you have no time to waist for this, keep moving forward. If there is something you don’t still understand, please use the comment section to express your thoughts.

InfoSchool wishes you a successful way of movement!

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